Last updated: January 22, 2024
Jump to: Compound Bows | Releases | Broadheads | Sights | Rests | Recurve Bows | Arrows | Quivers | Stabilizers | Calls | Misc Accessories
Diamond Edge XT
20-70lb draw weight
19" to 31.5" draw length
(Item #Comp-diamondedgext)
Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Diamond Edge Max
20-70lb draw weight
16" to 31" draw length
(Item #Comp-diamondedgemax)
Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Darton Veracity 35
70lb peak
26" to 31.5" draw length
(Item #Comp-dartonveracity45)
Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Darton Spectre E 32 (consignment)
70lb peak
25.5" to 31" draw length
(Item #Comp-dartonspectree32)
Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Bowtech CP28 (consignment)(
60lb peak
24.5" to 30" draw length
(Item #Comp-bowtechcp28)
Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Diamond Prism (New)
5-55lb draw weight
18" to 30" draw length
(Item #Comp-diamondprism)
Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Diamond Atomic Camo Right Hand (Used)
6-29lb draw weight
12" to 24" draw length
(Item #Comp-diamondatomiccamo)
Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Diamond Prism Right Hand (New)
5-55lb draw weight
18" to 30" draw length
(Item #Comp-diamondprismng)
Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Diamond Prism LH Camo (New)
18" - 30" draw length
5-55 lb draw weight
(Item #Comp-diamondprism)
Currently out of Stock
Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Diamond Prism Left Hand Black (New)
18" - 30" draw length
5-55 lb peak draw weight
(Item #Comp-diamondprismlhb)
Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Carbon Express Blade Pro crossbow (used)
Comes with new string, soft case, 4 bolts, Sling and Rail Lube
(Item #Comp-008)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Trufire Patriot Jr. Release (new)
(Item #release-trufirepatriotjr)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Trufire Patriot Release (new)
(Item #release-trufirepatriot)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Trophy Ridge Precise (new)
Thumb release
(Item #release-precise)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Scott Summit (new)
Thumb release
(Item #release-scottsummit)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Scott Legacy (new)
(Item #release-scottlegacy)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Booster Ignite release (new)
(Item #009)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Hot Shot Vapour release
(Item #010)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Trufire Smoke Extreme release (new)
(Item #Rel-026)
Sold Out
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Slick Trick SS3
100 gr Broadheads (Item #broadheads-slicktrick)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Trophy Ridge Digital React 1 pin sight
(Item #sights-trophyridgedigitalreact)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Black Gold Rush 3-pin sight (New)
(Item #sights-blackgold3pin)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Hunter 5 pin sight (New)
with light
(Item #sights-hunter5pin)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
CBE Tactic Hybrid single pin sight
(Item #sights-tactichybrid)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
CBE Tactic Micro 5 pin sight
(Item #017)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Ripcord Code Red X Full Containment Rest (new)
Right hand
(Item #Rest-ripcordcodered)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Ripcord Drive Cage Full Containment Rest (new)
Right hand
(Item #Rest-ripcorddrivecage)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Octane Octagon Full Containment Rest (new)
(Item #Rest-octaneoctagon)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Ripcord Max Full Containment Rest (new)
Right hand
(Item #Rest-ripcordmax)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
C.B.E. Arrow Mane rest (new)
(Item #Rest-cbe)
Currently Out of Stock
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
QAD Ultra Rest HDX (new)
(Item #Rest-038)
Currently Out of Stock
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Sanlida 48" Recurve (new)
14lb draw weight
(Item #Recurve-sanlida)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
OMP Smokey Mountain TD Recurve Bow (new)
30lb, 35lb, 40lb draw weight
(Item #Recurve-omp)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
PSE Oryx (new)
55lb draw weight
left handed
(Item #Recurve-003)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Goldtip Traditional feather fletched arrows.
400 and 500 spine
(Item #Arrows-005)
$119.95 / 6 pack
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kill'n Stix original arrows 6pk
(Item #Arrows-001)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kill'n Stix Ventilator arrows 6pk
(Item #Arrows-002)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kill'n Stix Hawkeye arrows 6pk
(Item #Arrows-003)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Arrow Snot $12.00
(Item #Arrows-004)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
GA 3-Tube Arrow Quiver (hop) Ambidextrous
(Item #Quiver-g13tube)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Octane Bantam 5 arrow quiver (New)
(Item #Quiver-octanebantam)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Octane Furnace 5 arrow quiver (New)
(Item #Quiver-octane)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Tightspot 5 arrow quiver (New)
(Item #Quiver-tightspot)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Trophy Taker Sawtooth 5 arrow (New)
(Item #Quiver-trophytakersawtooth)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Dead Ringer Vector 8 Stabilizer w/ Quick Disconnect
(Item #stabilizer-deadringer)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Doinker Supreme V-Bar Set 12"
(Item #stabilizer-doinker)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Octane QDS 9 9" Carbon Rod Stabilizer (New)
(Item #Misc-octaneqds)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Trophy Ridge Blitz Stabilizer/Sling (new)
(Item #Misc-041)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
SGS Mature Cow Elk Vocals
(Item #Calls-001)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
SGS Mature Bull Elk Vocals
(Item #Calls-002)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
(Item #Misc-001)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Caps, top row $30.00 bottom row $20.00
(Item #Misc-002)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Target Pins (Supporting a local young entrepeneur)
(Item #Misc-targetpins)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kombat Mosquito Etc Repellant 30% DEET
(Item #Misc-kombat)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Plano Compact Bowcase (New)
(Item #Misc-planocase)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Outdoor Edge Outfitter Field Dressing/Knife Kit (used)
New condition
(Item #Misc-fielddressing)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Bowmar Nose Button (new)
(Item #Misc-039)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Limbsaver String protectant (new)
(Item #Misc-037)
$9.95 Sold out
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Gateway Feather waterproofing (new)
(Item #Misc-003)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kisser button Black (new)
(Item #Misc-004)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kisser button Yellow (new)
(Item #Misc-005)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kisser button Orange (new)
(Item #Misc-006)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kisser button Green (new)
(Item #Misc-007)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kisser button Pink (new)
(Item #Misc-008)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kisser button Purple (new)
(Item #Misc-009)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kisser button Red (new)
(Item #Misc-010)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Kisser button Blue (new)
(Item #Misc-011)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Saunders Kiss-xl kisser button (new)
(Item #Misc-012)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Trophy Ridge Whisker Bisquit Kill Shot medium (new)
(Item #Misc-013)
Sold out
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Bow Coach (new)
(Item #Misc-014)
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Limbsaver Cable Leech
(Item #Misc-016)
Sale $9.00
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Limbsaver Super String Leech
(Item #Misc-017)
Sale $10.00
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Limbsaver String Leech
(Item #Misc-018)
Sale $10.00
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
OMP cat whiskers (string silencers). Various colours
(Item #Misc-019)
Sale $3.00ea
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
OMP arrow pullers (new)
(Item #Misc-030)
$7.95 each
Specify color
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
OMP retractable arrow puller (new)
(Item #Misc-031)
$9.95 each
Specify color
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Finger savers (new)
(Item #Misc-034)
$10.00 per set
Specify color
or Email or call 306-221-2563 to inquire.
Jump to: Compound Bows | Releases | Broadheads | Sights | Rests | Recurve Bows | Arrows | Quivers | Calls | Misc Accessories